24 km Challenge (Botahtaung-Hlaing Thar Yar)

24 km Challenge (Botahtaung-Hlaing Thar Yar)

TimeProjectActivity Objectives
07:00-07:30Team Gathering Gather at the company address and take the air-con bus to the event place.
07:30-08:00Pick up the carThe trainer line up to pick up the car, checked the register, covid-19 protection, hanging out the water bottle
08:00-08:30Ice-breakingActivate the team atmosphere, build trust and introduce trainers for each group, and training topic, explain mission card, choose the team leader.
Warming Up ExerciseEncourage shy members to participate more and create strong relationships.
08:30-09:00Giving mission card and mapsGroup represents trainer are giving and explaining mission cards, maps, and start walking group by group.
09:00-10:00CSR Challenge and photo missionsWhile walking, started doing CSR form start point to first point mission place, taking photo missions.
10:00-10:30First place missionLogo matching game, fast speaking game.
10:30-12:00CSR challenge and photo missionsWhile walking, still doing the CSR from the first mission place to the second mission place, taking photo mission , and collect CSR donation money and donate to people.
12:00-12:30Lunch BreakEating Lunch Box
12:30-05:00Second Place MissionQuestions and answers challenge, feeding watermelon by blind.
05:00-06:00Sharing ExperienceSharing walking experiences, make the memories, sharing donation experiences.
06:00ReturnReturn to the warm home.

Detailed introduction

Gathering at LC Training Center
(Car pickup) The trainer lined up to pick up the car, checked the register, covid protection, hung out the water bottle, and guided the members to place the storage box for belonging.

(Team Icebreaking) [Activate the team atmosphere, build trust and introduce trainers and training topics]

Activity Introduction

Activate the team, create a warm atmosphere, build trust with partners, and form a team by choosing Leader & Co-leader, Timer.


1. Can eliminate the gap between participants.

2. Encourage shy members to participate more and to activate the team atmosphere and spirits.

3. Understand the training content and rules & regulation of the training.


(Warming Up Exercise) [Warming up increasing heart rate and blood flow]

Activity Introduction

Warming up before physical activity is to prepare mentally and physically for walking activity. Warming up increases heart rate and therefore blood flow which enables more oxygen to reach muscles. A warm-up for light physical activity will take around 10 minutes and involve light aerobic activity and some dynamic stretching movements appropriate for the activity you’re about to perform. This could include:

• fast-paced walking

• Fast-paced side stepping

• jogging on the spot

• arm swings


1. A warm-up also activates and primes the connections between your nerve and muscles, which improves the efficiency of movement.


( Giving Mission Card & Maps ) [ Giving and explaining mission cards, Maps ]

Activity Introduction

The trainers representing each group provided maps, explaining mission cards. One group after another group signals to leave.


1. To know the mission and location.


Walking CSR Challenge, Photo Mission) [ Taking photo mission and doing CSR ]

Activity Introduction

Each group needs to do a photo mission at the designated place and designated position and pick up the trash around the walking place.


1. Enhance communication among trainees.

2. Encourage shy trainees to participate more.

3. Create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

4. Create a team-building mindset and happy vibe.


(First Mission Place) [Logo Matching game, speed up talk short paragraph]

Activity Introduction

Introduce the staff in the shop to remember the name, hobby, etc.

The logo matching game must be successful. (Do not play games at the same time, the rules and regulations of the game from the trainer. Items must be asked.)

Lunch Box Mission from Trainer at the time of departure from the shop (Ask for it).


1. Enhance communication among trainees.

2. Encourage shy trainees to participate more and make a strong relationships.

3. Create a warm and more welcoming atmosphere.

4. Create a teambuilding mindset and happy vibe.


(Walking CSR Challenge, Photo Mission) [ Taking photo mission and doing CSR ]

Activity Introduction

Each group needs to do a photo mission at the designated place and designated position and pick up the trash around the walking place.


1. Enhance communication among trainees.

2. Encourage shy trainees to participate more.

3. Create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

4. Create a teambuilding mindset and happy vibe.


(Lunch break) [Lunch box (rice+ main dish+ 2 kinds of side dish) Myanmar Taste]

Before the lunch break, the participants need to answer 10 quizzes, depending on the answer they will get a mark and money for lunch.


(Walking CSR Challenge, Photo Mission, second mission place) [ Taking photo mission and doing CSR]

Activity Introduction

Each group needs to do a photo mission at the designated place and designated position and does CSR. Doing question and answer challenges, feeding watermelon to blind people


1. Enhance communication among trainees.

2. Create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

3. Create a teambuilding mindset and happy vibe.


[Sharing Time & Group Photo] Company leader summary, evaluation, give the award and take some memorable photos

Training Fees

Items Service ContentPrice
Training CourseTraining Course Design、Training Service Cost(Professional Trainers)
Allocation:1 Trainer,1 Assistant Trainer,1 Admin
General ExpenseInclude:Training Clothes(Group allocation clothes )、Training facilities、water bottle、flag、training base、Vinyl、Video record、medicine etc.$2/Pax

Training Course Statement

This scheme version is authorized by LC Myanmar. Without our permission, it cannot be used for third-party cooperation or research. Otherwise, it will be deemed as an infringement. Our company will reserve the right to investigate those who do not comply with this statement or use the contents of this scheme without authorization!