Program Introduction & Explanation Of Expenses Training Program-1-day

Productivity Training Program-1-day time flow chart

TimeProjectActivity Objectives
7:00-8:00Team gatheringGather at the company address and take the aircon bus to the LC Outdoor Training base.
8:10-8:30Pick up the members and registrationThe trainer lined up to pick up the car, checking register, covid protection, hanging out the water bottle, guide to place the storage box for belonging
08:40-09:30IcebreakingActivate the team atmosphere, build trust and introduce trainers and training topic
08:40-09:30Friendship 1encourage shy members to participate more and to create strong relationship
09:40-10:30Top Speed 60sImprove strategic management and workflow, work allocation and use of resources
10:40-11:50Balanced BarSame target, balance and harmonic
12:00-13:00Lunch breakLunch box (rice+ main dish+ 2 kinds of side dish)
13:00-13:30Warming Up + Group photoTo revive the active
13:30-15:00MinefieldImplement the strategy in a short time, nothing is impossible mindset, sharing the success
15:10-17:00Graduation WallFace the challenges bravely
17:00-18:00Summary sharing time & Large group photoCompany leader summary, evaluation, give award and take memorable photos
18:00ReturnReturn to a warm home

Detailed introduction to Productivity Training -1-day Project


LC Outdoor Training College picks up and drops up buses and drops them up. Gather at their company address and set out for the LC Training base.

8:10-8:30 (Car pickup)

The trainer lined up to pick up the car, checked the register, covid protection, hung out the water bottle, and guided the members to place the storage box for belonging.

8:40-9:10 (Team Icebreaking)

[Activate the team atmosphere, build trust and introduce trainers and training topics]

Activity Introduction

Active the team, create a warm atmosphere, build trust with partners, form a team by choosing Leader & Co-leader, and create a flag, logo, slogan, sign, and date within a specific time.


  1. Can eliminate the gap between participants.
  2. Encourage shy members to participate more and to activate the team atmosphere and spirits.
  3. Understand the training content and rules & regulation of the training.
9:10-9:30 (Friendship 1)

[encourage shy members to participate more and to create strong relationships]

Activity Introduction

If you don’t know your partner’s information such as name, job position, or hobby, you need to ask and note them in your mind within a specific time. After that, Trainer will randomly check, and the trainee who describes the wrong information will apply penalties.


  1. Enhance communication among trainees.
  2. Encourage shy trainees to participate more.
  3. Create a warm and welcome atmosphere.
9:40-10:30 (Top Speed 60s)

[Improve strategic management and workflow, work allocation, and use of resources]

Activity Introduction

One of the quiz challenging activities. How the leader assigns a task to complete a challenge within 60 seconds? And how do you communicate without talking any one word?


  1. Improve strategic management and workflow.
  2. Effective leadership skills.
  3. Work allocation and use of resources.
10:40-11:50 (Balanced Bar)

[Set the same target, perform balance and harmonic]

Activity Introduction

Using a 4.5 m iron stick, trainees have to balance that iron stick with one finger of both hands with Team. They have to do the mission while keeping the iron stick in balance.


  1. Knowing accusations and complaints leads to failure.
  2. To perform balance and harmonic team.
  3. To set an effective strategy for the same target.
12:00-13:00 (Lunchbreak)

[Lunch box (rice+ main dish+ 2 kinds of side dish) Myanmar Taste]

13:00-13:30 (Group photo+ Warming up)

[To revive the active]

13:30-15:00 (Minefield)

[Implement the strategy in a short time, nothing is the impossible mindset, sharing the success]

Activity Introduction

Trainees have to take out the commissaries from the specified area which is considered a minefield. From that minefield, Trainees must be taken without touching any area and without using any equipment.


  1. Choose the right strategy.
  2. Implement in a short time.
  3. Cultivate teamwork ability.
15:10-17:00 (Graduation Wall)

[Face the challenges bravely]

Activity Introduction

Members have to climb over the 4.2-meter wall within a specific time and are not allowed to make a sound and use any other materials.


  1. Examining overall teamwork and team spirits.
  2. Improving execution, leadership, and decision-making.
  3. Put in the other way of trust and being trusted.
17:00-18:00 (Summary sharing time & Large group photo)

[Company leader summary, evaluation, give the award and take some memorable photos]

18:00 (Return)

[Return to a warm home]

Training Fees

ItemsService contentsPrice
Training CostsTraining Course Design、Training Service Cost(Professional Trainers)
Allocation:1 Trainer,1 Assistant Trainer,1 Admin
General ExpensesInclude:Training Clothes(Group allocation clothes )、Training facilities、water bottle、flag、training base、Vinyl、Video record、medicine etc.$2/Pax

Food (Optional)Normal Lunch Box (Myanmar Taste)$3/Pax (Lunch)

Third Party Bus Transportation Fee: 50 seat/1.4 lakhs/bus, 30 seat/1 lakh/bus

Training Course Statement

This scheme version is authorized by LC Myanmar. Without our permission, it cannot be used for third-party cooperation or research. Otherwise, it will be deemed as an infringement. Our company will reserve the right to investigate those who do not comply with this statement or use the contents of this scheme without authorization!