PATH Myanmar





On June 17, 2024, the PATH Myanmar team gathered for an exhilarating day of team building at the dynamic Wowsport venue, organized by LCMyanmar Consulting. The event aimed to strengthen team bonds, improve communication, and enhance collaborative skills through a series of engaging activities. This carefully planned day not only brought the team closer together but also provided a fun and interactive environment to develop essential team dynamics.

The day’s activities ranged from challenging obstacle courses to strategic problem-solving games, all designed to promote teamwork and trust. These activities pushed the team to rely on each other, highlighting the importance of mutual support and effective communication. Trust-building exercises, such as trust falls and blindfolded walks, emphasized the need for confidence in each other’s abilities and fostered deeper interpersonal relationships.

Participants left the training with a renewed sense of camaraderie and a deeper understanding of effective teamwork. Key takeaways included improved communication, enhanced collaboration, and a stronger sense of trust among team members. The event also helped individuals identify and appreciate their colleagues’ strengths, contributing to a more cohesive and supportive team dynamic.

Feedback from the team was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing how the training helped them understand and connect with their colleagues better. The combination of fun and learning ensured that everyone enjoyed the day while gaining valuable skills. The success of this event has set a solid foundation for future collaboration, leaving the PATH Myanmar team more connected and ready to tackle upcoming challenges together.